
Blog Stories & Aesthetics




 Fazail Ahmed Cheema

Aesthetics & Blog stories writer

 MBBS/First Year

 Habib Ur Rehman Shaheen

Aesthetics & Blog stories writer

 MBBS/First Year

Our Premium Writers

 Irsa zahid

Aesthetics & Blog stories writer

 MBBS/Second Year

 Zulal Adam

Aesthetics & Blog stories writer

 MBBS/First Year


There are things that I am nostalgic about from the good old college days. One of those everlasting memories I m going to narrate is ; It was 29 February 2019, the movie night in Allama Iqbal medical college when the  auditorium was totally disguised by the décor paraphernalia and was glistening with the laser mapping and façade lightning all around. Everyone was getting ensnared by the ravishing and spell bounding architecture from the outside.

And inside, the commodious auditorium was brimmed with students and teachers. After the arrival of venerable principal the ceremony got started. These were students who captivated the audience by their lit & effulging performances and also got standing ovation too at some outstanding accomplishments which were full of zest and pizzazz . Everyone was getting dumbfounded by the zealous and dedicated masterworks. Roars of laughter and tumultuous cheers were heard.

The performers were invigorated and heartened by the utmost hooting by the audience. That moments were totally priceless and I yearn for them again and again in my life. We didn’t realize that we were making memories we just knew we were having fun. In these days of lockdown ‘Movie night moments’ are one of those which are making me nostalgic and hitting me hard just like an ailments .!!

TED KOPPEL has perfectly said that :

‘It becomes increasingly easy, as you get older, to drown in nostalgia”.


Sidra Kaynat 

گزرے دنوں کی یاد میں

کچھ لمحے اگر ہمیشہ کے لیے ٹھہر جاتے تو کتنا اچھا ہوتا۔ ابھی زندگی کے کچھ دن ہی ان حسیں جگہوں پر گزارے تھے کہ وقت نے پھر بے رخی دکھا دی۔ اب لاک ڈاؤن کے ان دنوں میں وہ دن یاد بے تحاشا آتے ہیں۔ وہ شاہین مال میں بیٹھے چار دوستوں کی محفل، وہ نیا نیا اوورال پہن کر خود کو پہلے ہی ہفتے میں ڈاکٹر سمجھنا، وہ روز گاڑدن میں گلاب تلاش کرنے پر بھی نہ ملنا، ابھی تو اس نگر میں قدم ہی رکھا تھا کہ لاک ڈاؤن نے آگھیرا۔

آج ان یادوں کو پھر تازہ کرتے ہیں۔ابھی کل ہی کی بات لگتی ہے جب علامہ اقبال میڈیکل کالج کے آڈیٹوریم میں اوتھ لیا تھا۔اس دن کے ساتھ ہی ڈاکٹر کا لفظ میرے نام کے ساتھ منسوب ہو گیا۔ آتا تو ہمیں ابھی کچھ بھی نہ تھا مگر گھر والوں، اساتذہ ، رشتہ داروں، دوستوں کے بار بار کہنے پر محسوس ہونے لگا کہ ابھی سے ڈاکٹر بن گئے۔ پھر ہر دن گھر سے اوورال پہنے کالج کی جانب چل پڑتے۔ یو۔ڈی۔ایل ، شاہین مال، اوول گراؤنڈ ہی ہمارا بسیرا تھا۔ لیکن خوشی کے لمحات کب دیر پا ہوئے ہیں۔البتہ ان کی یادیں ضرور ساتھ رہتی ہیں۔اس تھوڑے سے عرصے نے کالج نے ہمیں دیوانہ بنا دیا ہے۔جب بھی کھانے کی میز پر بیٹھتے ہیں تو شاہین مال میں بیٹھے وہ دن یاد آجاتے ہیں۔وہ سینئرز کا یہ  تسلی دینا " بچوں ایم۔بی۔بی۔ایس بہت آسان ہے بس پریشان نہیں ہونا۔"کہنے کو تو یہ چند دن تھے مگر ان دنوں کی جدائی میں ہر دن صدیوں کی مانند لگتا ہے۔ اب ہر لمحہ یہی دعا ہے کہ وہ رونقیں، وہ محفلیں، وہ حسیں دن پھر سے لوٹ آئیں۔ آمین!


Ayesha Sajid


UDL! To a stranger, these three initials might not make sense at all, but the same cannot be said for Iqbalians. If I were to read or show in writing the acronym ‘UDL’ to the Iqbalians working in America, or those working in the NHS in England or even those retired from service lazing around in their homes here in Pakistan, all of them would instantly recognize the profoundness in those three initials and would spontaneously let the brightest of their smiles come out.

Now, some of the readers going through this blog post might be completely oblivious as to what UDL is. You guys might be wondering what does it stand for? It could be some medical terminology, some bizarre pill prescription, maybe something only doctors talk and laugh about? Let your curiosity run wild but as technical as it sounds, it isn’t at all. In fact, this acronym is just as informal and lax as the ones you would use online to chat with your friends. UDL stands for “under da library” and just like it says, it refers to the open enclosure situated underneath the library of Allama Iqbal Medical College. Basically, the compound structure of AIMC Library is built in such a way that four big pillars support it on each of its corners thereby leaving a wide space under the building which we Iqbalians more intimately refer to as simply UDL. The true origin of this term is still unknown but almost all contemporary Iqbalians share the common belief that it might have been coined by the witty Iqbalians of the pioneer batches when the new campus of the college was built back in the ‘80s.

So now you get what UDL is but this time you might be wondering what can a medical student even do in an empty space that has nothing to offer but sitting spots or at the best, some shade from the sun? You might be considering it absurd or weird even to have strong emotional associations with such a place. I believe it is normal for anyone outside AIMC to think like that but until someone becomes an Iqbalian themself, they can never truly commend the intensity of attachment which we Iqbalians have with UDL.

UDL is basically the premier AIMC experience. Everything happens here and by everything I literally mean everything. Libraries are already on the list of prime elements in medical education and here at AIMC, the Library and UDL complement each other. If I am going to the library to study, there’s no way I would walk straightaway into the library without stopping for some time at UDL or without saying Hi to my batchmates, seniors or juniors sitting and enjoying over there. UDL is always crowded. It is one of the many spots at AIMC that never sleep, Shaheen Mall being another. It is a go-to place for any mood you are having. Whether you are stressed out about studies or feeling homesick or even (let’s just say) had a breakup, grab your squad and head straight for UDL. The festivity, the chatter and the unending liveliness over there will brighten you up in no time. You will find every type of activity happening at UDL. Be it group study, society work, catharsis, birthday celebrations, friendly fooling, napping or even dating, UDL is the one for all. I remember going to UDL in the early days of my 1st Year and making myself comfy over there because hostel would sometimes get too overwhelming or depressing. And whenever I went there, I would always come across some friendly seniors who seemed to have read my mind and facial expressions. They would console me, talk about the best bits of college life and campus, crack hilarious jokes with me and then take me over to Shaheen Mall for a heavenly cup of tea and samosas. Those were the days! And did I mention, UDL has free, top-notch WiFi internet for everyone, sponsored by the Govt of Punjab? When we were Firstulas, our only source of internet would be the UDL WiFi; we would go there after dinner, watch videos, download music, upload posts to Instagram and would keep exhausting ourselves and the internet until midnight, that is when the library closes.

It is because of all of this that Iqbalians have such a strong feeling for UDL. Oftentimes at campus, we would witness Ex-Iqbalians touring their alma mater, taking in the nostalgia and always stopping at the library entrance to appreciate the spectacle and grandeur of UDL. They would cherish their memories and we, standing on the fountain side, would hear them chattering out loudly about the shenanigans they did in their MBBS years and then laughing out to their narratives even louder, sometimes even shedding a tear or two in the process.

I can envision myself visiting AIMC decades after the completion of my degree just to relish a cup of tea at UDL and the tons and tons of memories I made there.




It is the one about pounding heart, sweaty palms, shaky legs, and twisting gut. It is the one about reverberating disquietude, gnawing fear, persistent awkwardness. It is the one with deep breaths, clearing of mind, opening of heart, giving chances. It is the one about letting go and embracing. Yes, it is about magic of a new beginning.

“You are ugly.” That was my way of greeting long windy roads and swarthy buildings of Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC). “You have just entered.” Provided my inner voice which I ignored expertly. “Did someone die in here?” was my first question to the room of knowledge, the library. Its only reply was its echoing silence but my inner voice did mutter, “You are going to appreciate this silence in the storm of exams.” Pretending not to have heard her I proceeded, “Oval ground? Seriously, oval? How creative.” “You can be utterly in love with something without having to find a flaw in it.”  Her reply was a mere whisper but I heard her alright. Forgetting the vow not to acknowledge her, I seethed, “In love? In love with….” She cut me off already guessing my question, “You are in love with the idea of long walks in the moonlight, exercising in the morning, and the privacy that will be ensured by the expanse of this ground. As you could find nothing wrong with it, in your quest to hate this place you are making fun of its name which is quite fitting by the way.” I blinked, blinked again, opened my mouth but no words came out. Oh, I hate that she knows me so well. But I wasn’t going to give up so easily so I flounced towards the one place that everyone complained about. The place that was sure to strengthen my case that AIMC is a hell-hole. “Eww!” I exclaimed, the moment I stepped in my hostel, loud enough to ensure that my inner voice would peek out and be so disgusted by what she beheld that she would beg for us to leave. She did come out, rolled her eyes and drawled, “You will get used to it, princess.” I decided I hate my sarcastic inner voice just as much as I-know-you-more-than-you-know-yourself and I-told-you-so inner voice then I entered my room and met them.

Before I could register and complain about the fact that there were ten girls crammed in one room, I was already in love with each of them. Had it really been last night that we met? Because we talked like we had known each other our whole lives, our sense of humor clicked, we were finishing each other’s sentences. Had it really been last day? Because we were already sharing our clothes, giving fashion advices, sharing snacks as if we weren’t disagreeing and debating minutes ago, consoling each soldier who had to face the battle of “ghar ki yaad a rhi hai”. Had it really been a week, when one of us declared she liked sports and the rest of us assured her that we would volunteer to complete the team members if it came to that, when one of us declared that she wanted to be DBR (Deputy Batch Representative) and the rest of us proposed the idea of illegally voting for her. My inner voice and I were in agreement for once that no matter if the journey was hard or easy, good or bad, it was going to be worth it because of them. We agreed that these are the people I will be laughing with, crying with and doing all that is in between.

“I still hate it,” I grumbled “I hate it. I hate our seniors who are too good to be true. I hate AIMC. I hate that everyone loves it. I hate….” My inner voice interrupted me guessing the theme of my monologue, “Why?” “What?” I asked my mortal enemy. “Why do you want to hate this place so badly?” she inquired. Too tired to point out that I didn’t want to hate it, I did hate it. Too tired to banter so I chose to go by the truth for once, “Because how dare it? How dare it take me away from my friends? How dare it make me leave my home? How dare it make me say good-bye to Ami, Abu, and the rest of the weirdoes I call my siblings? How dare it make me excited about reading all those books in the library, about the idea of one day knowing the map of human body, about the long walks in the oval, about all the potential memories in Shaheen Mall? How dare it make me want to love it after all it has taken from me?” She was utterly silent whether by the fact that I chose to say the truth or by what I said, I did not know. After some time, she replied softly but not weakly, 'You are scared’.  A few heartbeats and then, ‘You are scared of letting go of the life you have known. The life in which you have learnt to face difficulties and triumph over them. The life in which you excelled. But, Honey, that chapter is finished and you wrote it beautifully. It is time to turn the page over and write a new chapter. I know you are scared of the unknown but you have to be brave. You have to, “Trust the magic of new beginnings”’.

I was forced into a silence of contemplation. Hours later, I looked around the place I was hell-bent on hating while it kept battering upon the walls erected around my heart. I looked at the said heart which was peeking over the walls with puppy eyes as if asking permission to jump out. I looked at my inner voice who gave me a knowing look. “Damn it!” I cursed. And I said, what I knew the moment I stepped on the threshold of AIMC, “I think this is going to be one of those places where I will be leaving a piece of me behind.”


Haniyyah Abdul Jabbar


Oval ground, a place reminiscent of cherishable moments and great memories. A place close to my heart; as it has been the witness of my ups and downs. I remember going to this place, after every hectic test, be it Anatomy Stage or Physiology viva. This place was the ultimate solace. Medical life is one hell of a journey. The frustrating routine fatigues you at times. That's when your soul desires to have some leisure time. And if you have a place within the college premises to have some leisure time, then it's relief indeed. For us, Oval ground used to be that one 'go-to' place.

I still remember the grind to pass the stage test and OSPE. We were fatigued as hell. Me and my roommates planned to go out and have some fun. And the most interesting of all, we never had to put much effort on planning the place for an outing. And why would one put that much effort to find a place when it's just a short stroll away? Oval Ground, Shaheen Mall, Rose Garden, UDL were our go to spots. Spending an hour or two at oval ground, Shaheen Mall used to be our place to satisfy our hunger. A place where you can find nearly every good item you love. Who doesn't love food? So yeah, Shaheen Mall is a place where you never get bored. You want tea, Served. You crave Fries, Served. You crave coffee, all served!
Oval ground!

Whenever I think of this, a storm of memories hit me. Each and very senior adviser that MBBS is tough hence, all you need is to strike a balance. Like I said every time after test and stage also the first anatomy ospe, how can I forget that, me and my roommates #chawwal log we use to go out. The night after our stage of lower limb we decided to go out and have some fun. Ofcourse, this was time before covid had forced us all to our houses. We had some food at Shaheen mall because food is the only thing that makes everyone happy. Right!!!! Then we went to oval ground. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. I could smell the coldness in the night. One of my friends suggested to sing friendship song so we all holding each other’s hand sang some of our forever favourite songs especially "yeh dosti hum nahi todenge". It was sort of like singing but ...different. I think the oval ground has a very special place in the heart of all Iqbalians.
P.s: People in the picture is my gang, my common room gang.


Zainab ShahNawaz


It was another day of our first week in college. We were going to the hostel from college.

Tired we were with this tough routine. We were new to this hostel life, this "mess". That long walk from college to hostel was such a burden for us (yeah, I know that's a pure fistula thing: p).

So, coming back to the story (or rather I should call it a memory), we were going to the hostel when I thought that we should take some memorable pictures in the garden. So, we went into the rose garden and started strolling around. Back then we didn't even know it was called the "rose garden" because many different types of flowers could also be seen there along with roses. The atmosphere there was calm and serene. There was no one there so we were on ourselves all alone.

It was a very hot day but no we didn't bother and continued strolling around. We took a lot of pictures and enjoyed under the hot sun.

There were also some seniors there who were coming out of the lecture theatres after taking their proff exams. Their faces were telling the whole story. The dreadful story of proff :p.

So, we left the rose garden in the evening, heard some seniors talking about distinctions and stuff on our way and hiding from them we reached the hostel that was now our new home.


Hadia Mubeen


So here I was. As I saw AIMC for the first time, it awed me. Honestly, it scared me a little. This campus, this hustle and bustle, these buildings were going to be my companions for the next five years.

But let me first introduce myself. My name is Noor Fatima and I am a student of first year, AIMC. So as is natural, in the first few days, I was confused, nervous and kept forgetting my way to lectures. First years have that special demeanour that makes them easily identifiable. They look nervous, walk with their head bowed, walk quickly so as to avoid the interaction with seniors.

But what came as a pleasant surprise was that in AIMC, there is no ragging, at least on the girl’s side. In fact, when many of my colleagues were homesick, the seniors visited us, brought us chocolate and cakes and motivated us. This was so heart touching; it made a bond between us girls that made us feel like family and alleviated homesickness of many girls.

Now let's come to the campus itself. Shaheen Mall, a place always bustling with students of all varieties. On my way to my lectures, I always notice the pleasant smells of breakfast wafting around mixed with the fresh air. This alone is better than a cup of tea to wake you up. Shaheen Mall is a place where you can find everything a student need.

The Oval, a huge ground which serves as a meeting place for students during break and also serves as the main place for Sports Week, an event coveted by Iqbalians. AIMC knows that “All study and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, there are cricket, football matches going on in the evening. Moreover, health-conscious students are also seen jogging around the Oval during night.

The lecture theatres are awesome, the library and UDL are still more awesome. With its beautiful plantation, blue pillars and breath-taking geometric designs, UDL and library represent a mix of studious and refreshing environment.

Sadly though, my life at AIMC campus was only for 3 weeks, since Covid-19 came along to enjoy the ride. But I assure you, if you come to AIMC, you are sure to enjoy the life, studies and co-curricular activities all in one go!


Noor Fatima

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