A little baby girl opened her eyes in lap of her mother on 12
th of February. The parents always want to see his/her children on top in respects of education, etiquette, hospitality etc. in every manner that makes them proud. My mother also wishes the same for me. This little baby girl with zero influence of the difficulties of life is me and my mother also dreamt the same for me. She always wished to see her daughter in that influential white attire as a “DOCTOR”. Now, I was growing up with extraordinary results and this act of mine made my mom more passionate towards her wish. As years passed on, I entered 9th class and worked hard by burning midnight oil after attending different academies and becoming regular towards my school routine and this hard work paid off and I got 526 marks. I considered it as my first success and this enhanced my morale towards the best. After that I was guided by my teachers and seniors that you have to maintain this position by scoring well in 10th class. I worked harder and harder in 10th class and finally passed this journey of matric by getting 1062 marks which were pretty enough to have a good merit in a good college. At this time of life, I had never thought that which medical college is my dream college.
Now I entered a new phase of education that is F. Sc, I m a bit relaxed after a brilliant success journey Alhamdulillah and didn’t consider the level of difficulty. I got admission in Govt. college and studied in same manner as in matric but I didn’t know that at this stage you had to study with some more hard work and all this happened due to lack of guidance. But I went on with same enthusiasm and got 464 marks out of 505 and at this time my mom collapsed because this percentage should made me out of the field. I cried a lot of days because I hadn’t faced such kind of thing before. I girded up my loins and started my study routine as it was but I failed to covered the gap of marks which I had lost in part 1. Its 2018 when I had given my part 2 exams. After that I started my prep for MDCAT which was considered as nerve test. I prepared for it by living in a hostel which was the worst decision of my life being away from my home. I was not telling this mental disturbance through which I was going by living in hostel because I was not in a friendly environment and this hostel experience didn’t soothed me. I started to study by ignoring all fussy things going in my surroundings. I worked with zero guidance and this resulted in a failure that I couldn’t make myself in a public medical college with 87.9% aggregate. This collapsed me and my mother mentally and I thought I had no other option in my life left. I was greatly depressed and thought that I had done nothing good with my life. I and my mother after that great shock mutually decided to take a chance by improving my and entry test. I had made my mind to get through this one year by improving myself and in this respect, Allah almighty helped me a lot by guiding me towards the right path.
I improved one subject of and I improved 18 marks and this makes me total as 1018. At this time, when I was giving MDCAT I have a great mind to get admission in AIMC because I was guided by their seniors with great affection. It was 25th of august, 2019 I am on my way to give entrance test with a lot of prayers of my mother. I entered the hall with a great zeal and zest that I could do it. I was just thinking the one line of my immediate senior in AIMC: “Ezaa, you have to struggle for one seat out of 3000 and you shouldn’t have any concern with rest of them”.  I had attempted my paper and got out of the Examination Centre with a ray of hope that I have made it. I came back home and was not eating anything because waiting for answer key. On the same day I got the answer key and checked my MCQ’s sheet and the result blasted my mind with happiness that I got 189 marks and the glare in the eyes of my mother made me happier.
My aggregate was 93.5227 which was pretty enough to make my way in my dream college ALLAMA IQBAL MEDICAL COLLEGE (AIMC). On 10th of October I got the merit list and I was dancing with happiness that finally I got a seat in my dream college and this ended my journey which started with good mind and ended up with a flourishing after entering the Auditorium of AIMC wearing a white coat. May we all succeed. Ameen!

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