
As we all know in this time of technology and age of internet, online and web platforms have gained more importance than ever. The official website of AIMC is up but it is not as functional and up-to-date as it should be.

Founded in 2020 by an Iqbalian, AIMC Academia has become quite a hub of Aspiring Bloggers & Peer Tutors of AIMC. This project is the very first & active web project for guidance and online leaning of Professional & Competitive exams. Within less than a year, AIMC Academia gained a lot of popularity in the college & progressing more & more on its own.

Who we are:

AIMC Academia is managed by a team of more than 100+ currently enrolled Iqbalians, and we all are working together to make sure this platform is up-to-date, running & progressing. Our blogsite covers essential aspects of online education for all disciplines offered by AIMC i.e., MBBS, DPT, MLT & BSN. This makes us the go-to place for all sorts of medical school information.

Our team puts in a considerable amount of effort despite hectic daily schedules. So, we sincerely hope that you enjoy our content and find it useful.

How our blogsite looks like?

Here is the answer attached. You may visit aimcacademia.blogspot.com

Our Objectives:

Under the supervision of faculty, we aim:

To provide unanimous platform for all kind of supportive content for medical education.

To provide up-to-date and latest guidelines for the juniors of all the disciplines.

To provide experiences from senior Iqbalians from all around the world, 

To provide a portal for online medical education, exclusively managed by Iqbalians themselves.

To provide resources & making medical education more interesting and easier for Iqbalians.

Running Projects:

Our pipeline projects are as follows:

Guidelines for each Professional year of MBBS, BSN, DPT & MLT

Providing resources for Online Medical Education to Iqbalians. 

Provision of Supportive content, Notes, E-books & links to Medical Journals.

USMLE/PLAB/NLE introductory & guidance section is about to launch in collaboration with seniors who have qualified them.

USMLE STEP 1 Question bank is in process

Future projects:

To make our forum official/get AIMC Academia registered as academic club.

To have our competent faculty onboard & their lecture access for Iqbalians

Reach Senior Iqbalians around the world to Record Lectures, Experiences & share road map they followed for their success, for currently enrolled Iqbalians

Due to limited features, we’re planning to switch our blog from Blogger.com to WordPress with a template of supportive plugins essential for Online Medical Education. 

We are looking forward to have upgraded website consisting of:

LMS (sample attached on the next page)

Video Lectures

SATS (self-assessment tests)

Exclusive approach & login for Faculty, currently enrolled & graduated Iqbalians of all disciplines.

Resources & Online Coaching for competent exams.

Road-map webinars for USMLE & PLAB.

Concept based Q-banks for all subjects of the registered programs in AIMC. 


Upgradation of the website:

The core team, which is running & managing this blogsite, all are currently enrolled students. Initially members have been contributing from their pockets to fund the projects but we are running out of our financial resources regarding the upgradation of the website. In order to upgrade the website, the following tasks are pending due to lack of funds for:

Buying a Domain 

Buying a Domain Hosting.

Buying a template for our upgraded website with supportive plugins we require for our site

Panel setup (printer & powerful computer device) for organizing our content & required tasks in professional way.

SEO support

Support for content in bulk to be typed & organized.

Regarding Funds Management:

Please note that all funds are being monitored. The funding is managed under strict supervision, and will be spent after approval. Also, there will be a group for committee of Donors who contributed to this noble cause of innovative academic improvement; to let them know about the ins & outs of the expenditure on projects and to collect their kind suggestions & feedback every time.


Sr. No.



Budget (PKR)


Domain & Premium Website Hosting (Linux)

Required for advanced, smooth & fast Site operations

Approx. 28000



Website template with required plugins

(Theme forest)

Public interface/theme with multiple embedded plugins & features i.e., LMS Portal & User registration etc

Approx. 15850

(One time)


Installation & customization of whole website content. SEO Optimization & Analysis.

Template installation & customization.

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. 

Approx. 17800

(One time)


PKR. 61,650

Hence to make this only project of this kind into a success, it is our chance to play our part by contributing generously to this project. Help us in reaching out goal, as we are striving to add innovation & advancement to the academic legacy of AIMC

One of my favorite quotes is from the poet Sam Levenson, who said:

“You have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others”.


Muhammad Usama Jamil

MBBS AIMC (Session 2018-23)

Founder & Chief Administrator


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