


ü Nucleus and nucleon:

Read article 21.1. Memorize important lines and values.

ü Mass defect and Binding energy:

Read article 21.3 till page 226. Make clear understanding regarding binding energy and mass defect. Figure 21.3 and 21.4 is very important. Must consult notes for it.

ü Radioactivity:

Read article 21.4. Memorize various properties of particles. Discuss conservation of mass, energy, momentum and charge. Memorize the various equations. Practice different MCQS. Must do table 21.1 on page 234 is very important.

ü Half-life: (v.v. important theoretically and numerically)

Read article 21.5. Skip examples and experiments. Must clear concept regarding decay constant and its units. Memorize different formulae of half-life and practice their variations.                                                                                                                                                Half-life of different isotopes from page 231 and 235 is very important. Must consult notes and practice MCQS.

ü Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion:

Read article 21.9 till page 249. Must consult notes. Just memorize important equations and values. Must clear concept regarding critical mass and critical volume. Skip nuclear reactor article just memorize important limes and values.                               Types of reactors is important. Nuclear fission in the sun is very important.                       Give a read to whole article highlights, important lines, values and memorize them.


ü Hadrons, Leptons and Quacks:

Very important theoretically. Read article 31.15. Memorize various properties and examples. Table 21.5 is  very very important. Figure 21.8 is very important.

ü Important topics:

Half life,Nuclear transformation,Energy and mass detect,Building block of matter

Also, give a read to article Biological effects of radiations on Page 250. Memorize various formulae, units n values.



                                                                                        BEST OF LUCK !

                                                          Regards:  ARMGHAN ZULFIQAR

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