Topic # 6 


There are 6 chapters under this heading.
Chapter 38 to 43 from guyton.

Study Scheme:

There are 7 mcqs and only Seq from this topic in proff.
Although lengthy topic but important for theory and viva exam.So ,it should be done according to exam point of view.

Follow following points:

1.First do the repeatedly asked question.
2.understand the basic mechanism of respiration.
3.Highlight important points.
4.Remember the values of pressure ,volume, capacities.
5.Make flow charts.

Important Questions

Chapter # 38:

1.Muscles involved in respiration.
2.Changes in alveolar and pleural pressure in respiration with graph.
3.Compliance of lungs with graph.
5.Work of breathing.
6.Pulmonary volume and capacities.
7.Dead space with its types and measurement.
8.minute respiratory volume and Alveolar ventilation.
9.Cough reflex,sneez reflex.
10.Respiratory function of nose.

Chapter # 39:

1.Blood volume of lungs.
2.Different zones of pulmonary blood flow.
3.Capillary fluid exchange in pulmonary system.
4.Pulmonary edema and safety factor.
5.causes of pleural effusion.

Chapter # 40:

1.Oxygen and Carbon dioxide concentration and partial pressure in air and alveoli.
2.Respiratory unit
3.Respiratory membrane
4.Factors affecting the rate of diffusion through Respiratory membrane.
5.Diffusion capacity
6.ventilation perfusion ratio.
7.Physiological shunt and physiological dead space
8.Abnormalities of ventilation perfusion ratio

Chapter # 41:

1.How the diffusion of oxygen occur from peripheral capillaries into tissue fluid?
2.Role of hemoglobin in oxygen transport
3.oxy _ hemoglobin dissociation curve.
4.utilization coefficient
5.How hemoglobin act as buffer in normalizing tissue p02.
7.Factors affecting oxy_hb dissociation curve
8.what is Bohr effect and Haldane effect.
9.What is Respiratory exchange ratio?

Chapter # 42:

1.What are Respiratory centers and what is their location and function.
2.what is inspiratory ramp signal?
3.Hering Breuer reflex
4.Chemical control of respiration
5.Chemoreceptors and types
6.Regulation of respiration during exercise
7.Factors affecting Respiration
8.Mechanism of cheyne _stokes breathing
9.Sleep apnea

Chapter # 43:

1.How maximum expiratory flow is measured?
2.Significance of FVC and FEV.
3.Difference between constricted and restrictive lung diseases.
4.Respiratory distress syndrome
5.Symptoms and causes of pneumonia, atelactasis,asthma and tuberculosis.
6.Hypoxia and its types
7. Oxygen therapy with its limitations
8.What is cyanosis,hypercapnia and dyspnea.

              Topics for MCQs

* plural and alveolar pressure
* spirometer
* compliance of lungs
* capillary exchange of fluid
* zones of pulmonary blood flow
* pulmonary edema
* Respiratory membrane
* ventilation perfusion ratio
* Transport of oxygen
* oxy _HB curve
* Respiratory centers
* chemoreceptors
* hypoxia

         Important tables and Figures

• figure 38.2 and 38.3
• figure 38.6 and 39.4
• figure 39.6 and 40.9
• figure 40.11 and 41.8
• figure 41.10 and 41.15
• figure 43.3

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