In Professional exams there are 7 MCQs and 1.5 SEQs from vitamins. Total 14.5 marks plus this topic is very important for Viva as well.

·         Prepare it entirely from Lippincott.

·         Make sure you should have a strong grip

·         You don’t need to do the structures

·         Tip: First learn the table given at the end of chapter

·         And then give a read to whole chap

Important Questions:

1.       Role of folic acid in Neural tube defects and anemias.

2.       Folate trap hypothesis v imp.

3.       pernicious anemia 

4.       functions of ascorbic acid

5.       Scenario can come from scurvy (v imp)

6.       In which reactions pyridoxine acts as a coenzyme (proff question)

7.       Beri Beri and Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome

8.       Three D's (pellagra), hartnup disorder.

9.       How is niacin helpful for the treatment of hyperlipidemia? 


Some Important MCQ Points:

·         B12 contains corrin ring with cobalt.

·         Niacin contains tryptophan

·         Cobalamin is obtained only from animal sources 

·         Corn based diets cause pellagra

·         Biotin contains lysyl residue.


Fat Soluble Vitamins:

·         All fat-soluble vitamins are v imp

·         Vitamin D is v imp

·         Usually scenario-based questions from Vitamins

·         Prepare them very well.

Important questions:

·         Mechanism of action of vitamin A. 

·         How vit A is useful in visual cycle?

·         Functions and deficiency symptoms.

·         Diff b/w rickets n osteomalacia.

·         Functions of vit D

·         Metabolism (specially sites of hydroxylation)

·         How is vit k responsible for prothrombin interaction with membrane? (Prof)

·         Effect of vit k on RBCs membrane and its functions

·         Functions of vit E (v imp)

·         (Antioxidant, slows down aging, component of glutathione peroxidase, maintain membrane integrity, chain breaking, boost up immune system, protects RBCs from hemolysis)

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