·         You'll have to do complete chapter 5 from Mushtaq or you can do it from Satya

·         Select one and do whole chap of that book

·         A few topics from Lippincott chap17 

·         Imp questions from Mushtaq

·         What is omega fatty acids?

·         Properties of fatty acids (MCQs)

·         Saponification no. And iodine no. along with example (v imp)

·         What is rancidity? It's prevention?

·         Mucolipids

·         Function of lecithin, cardiolipin and plasmalogens (v imp)

·         Structure of cholesterol (v imp)

·         And functions 

·         Lipids acting as intracellular messengers?

·         From Lippincott chap 17

·         You have to do only pg. 201,202,213,214,215

·         Prostaglandins functions, synthesis, their role in platelet homeostasis and functions of leukotrienes (v imp)

·         Nutrition of lipids Lippincott pg360-364

·         You can do functions of bile salts and cholesterol from practical notebook 

·         Functions of EFA v imp (Satya pg. 509)

·         Lipid peroxidation (harper)

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