Do you ever have this urge to not just capture the scenery but the aromas, fragrances and voices associated with it in the air? Like when people are capturing the Sunday sun I want to grasp the morning breakfasts or burning coffee smell along with it. When they're capturing September evenings October hope and November blues I'm looking forward to ways I could bottle up the fresh air coming to my nostrils or essence of green grass or jasmine lingering in the air. When people are capturing the busy roads in rain. I want to capture the thunder clamours or voice of car horns in the trafic. Smell of the wet soil and joy of the silence all around. These smells and fragrances are so in accord with our subconscious that everytime we get passed them we relive the whole moment. One cologne One glass of paricular wine can take you to whole different dimension. At times smells have such an impact that visuals get alternated, distorted or disappeared accordingly.

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