IMP questions:
  • Central nervous system:
  • Define nervous system?
  • Define neuron?and its types?
  • Functions of neuron and neuroglia?
  • Nerve impulse?define Action potential?
  • Define refractory period?
  • Saltatory conduction & its advantages?
  • What is a synapse?define neurotransmitters?
  • Meninges and its types?
  • Functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
  • Functions of the cerebral cortex?
  • Basal ganglia and its functions?
  • D/w upper motor neuron & lower motor neuron?
  • Name the cranial nerves?mention the category of each sensory ,motor ,mixed?
  • Functions of the cerebellum?#little brain☺
  • Gray matter &white matter?
  • Name the asceding and descending tracts of spinal cord?
  • Dorsal coloumn medial leminiscus & anterolateral system fr transmitting somatic signals into the CNS? Fig#7. 29 for help pg#63
  • What is a motor unit & motor end plate?
  • Describe final common pathway?
  • Cauda equina &Filum terminale?
  • D/W referred and visceral pain?
  • Cerebral hypoxia and stroke?
  • Alzheimer disease&parkinson disease?
  • Upper motor neuron leisons &lower motor neuron leisions?
  • Spina bifida ?
Extensive questions:
  • How nerve impulse is conducted in mylinated neuron?
  • Functions of neuroglia and its types…?(Astrocytes,oligodendrocytes,ependymal cells, microglia)
  • Ventricles of the brain 
  • CSF formation+ circulation?
  • Discuss the functions of CEREBRUM?
  • Functional areas of the cerebral cortex?(Motor ,sensory, associationn areas)?
  • DIENCEPHALON(function of the thalamus and hypothalamus)?
  • Describe REFLEX ARC
IMP figures of chap:

Fig#7.1(functional component of the nervous system)fig#7.4(nodes of ranvier),fig#7.5(saltatory conduction of impulse),fig#7.6(propagation of an impulse),fig#7.7(diagram of a synapse),fig#7.8(main neurotransmitters)fig#7.12(blood brain barrier),fig#7.13(regrowth of peripheral nerves)fig#7.16(flow of cerebrospinal fluid),fig#7.20(functional areas of the cerebrum),fig#7.21(upper motor neuron and lower motor neurones),fig#7.22(functional areas of the cerebral cortex),fig#7.23(areas involved in higher mental functions),fig#7.27(spinal cord),fig#7.28(nerve roots of spinal cord),fig#7.29(a sensory nerve pathway)fig#7.30(the knee jerk reflex)
Table #7.1sensory nerve impulse ,root,origin,destination,#7.2(extrapyrimidal upper motor neuron:origins and tracts)

Nervous system➡️Motor part  +sensory part

3 major level of CNS function
Spinal cord level
Lower brain or subcortocal level
Higher brain or cortical level

1. The largest organ in the nervous system; composed of about 100 billion neurons(interestingly, although the 
neurons contain DNA, there is no DNA replication or mitosis in the brain, as a result the number of neurons decreases as a person ages). 
2. Divided into 3 main regions: Cerebrum, 
Cerebellum, and the Brain Stem. 
3. Contains spaces called ventricles where choroid plexuses of pia mater produce cerebrospinal fluid 
(CSF), and these ventricles allow CSF to circulate 
around the brain and into the spinal cord (through the central canal).

 As Asceding and descending tracts are not clearly mentioned in the ROSS&WILSON so here are the name of some tracts for ur help:

Hypothalamus regulates:
1) Heart rate and arterial blood pressure. 
2) body temp. 
3) water & electrolyte balance. 
4) control of hanger & body weight. 
5) control of movements and glandular secretion of the stomach & intestines. 
6) production of neurosecretory substances that stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones 
that help regulate growth and influence reproduction 
sleep and wakefulness.

Motor neuron in the anterior gray horns of spinal cord & their axons that innervate skeletal muscles.

Carry motor output from cerebral cortex and brainstem to lower motor neuron in the spinalcord & brainstem which in turn,project to muscles in periphery.    
  • Lesion in UMN               
  • Weakness 
  • Disuse atrophy           
  • Spasticity                        
  • Reflexes increases            
  • Extensorplantar                  
  • NCV-abnormal
  • No denervation potentials       
  • In EMG 
  • Lesion in UMN 
  • Weakness
  • Wasting-marked &early
  • Flacidity
  • Loss of reflexes
  • Fesciculations
  • NCV-abnormal
  • Denervation potentials in EMG.
  • function of nerve plexus:anterior rami:posterior rami?
  • Function of 12cranial nerves?
  • Autonomic Nervous system:{Sympathetic nervous system.Parasympathetic nervous system},preganglionic neuron, postganglionic neuron}?
  • visceral pain,Referred pain?
  • Effect of autonomic stimulation on various systems?

  •  All these topics are given in Ross & Wilson effectively

  • IMP topic nt mentioned in syllabus is ACTION POTENTIAL. Not completely elaborate in Ross & Wilson u have to take help From Guyton. 
  • Mention Depolarization stage, Re-polarization stage channels in action potential👍

  • Diseases given in the last of this chapter should be given a single reading fr exams mcqs. This is all about this chap acc to content. hope u will find it helpful fr ur studies