As we all know in this time of technology and age of internet, online and web platforms have gained more importance than ever. Founded in 2020 by Usama Jamil (MBBS, Session 2018-23), AIMC Academia has become quite a hub of Aspiring Bloggers & Peer Tutors of AIMC. This project is the very first & active web project for guidance and online leaning of Professional & Competitive exams. Within less than a year, AIMC Academia gained a lot of popularity in the college & progressing more & more on its own.
AIMC Academia is managed by a team of more than 100+ currently enrolled Iqbalians, and we all are working together to make sure this platform is up-to-date, running & progressing. Our blogsite covers essential aspects of online education for all disciplines offered by AIMC i.e., MBBS, DPT, MLT & BSN. This makes us the go-to place for all sorts of medical school information.
Our team puts in a considerable amount of effort despite hectic daily schedules. So, we sincerely hope that you enjoy our content and find it useful.
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