Book: chapter 14 & 15

Description: (Important theoretically and numerically)

ü Magnetic field:

Read article 14.1

Memorize & practice right hand rule.  Figure14.1is important.

ü Force on current carrying conductor:

 Read article 14.2. Dependence of magnitude of force is important. Must clear concept regarding right hand rule of cross products.

Clear concept regarding tesla. Memorize different conservations. Practice various variations of formulae.Do You Know? On page 58 is important. Figure 14.4 & example 14.1are important.

ü Force on a moving charge:

Read article 14.5. Memorize important formulae. Practice various variations. Must consult notes.

ü Motion of charged particle in E and B fields: 

Read article 14.6. memorize important formulae.

Make clear concepts regarding Lorenz force. Also make concept of velocity selector. Do you know on page 66 is important. Figure 14.5 is important.

ü e/m for an electron: 

Must consult notes. Memorize important conventions and formulae. Make variations in formulae.

Discuss relations of e/m with time period momentum and k.E. Practice different MCQS. Ex;14.4 important.

ü Important topics: e/m for an electron. Force on moving charge. Force on current carrying conductor.

ü Other important topics: Magnetic flux. (article14.3). Ampere’s law. Solenoid (very important must do practice of MCQS and do you know?

For your information. On page 62 and 63 important.

Torque on current carrying coil (article 14.3)  

ü Important Questions:14.2 ,14.3,14.4,14.5,14.6,14.7

ü Important Problems:14.1,14.2,14.3,14.5


                                 Chapter: 15

ü Magnetic flux: 

Read article 14.3 on page 60. Example 14.2 important.

Make clear understanding of weber.

ü Faraday’s law and Lenz law: 

Read articles 15.3 and 15.4. Memorize definitions. Consider conventions.   Memorize formulae and definitions and their variations. Memorize important lines regarding Lenz ‘s law.

Point to ponder on page 87 is v.v important.

ü Induce emf and factor:

Read complete article 15.1, 15.3. Dependence of induced emf and induced current. Memorize formulae of motional emf.

Figure 15.7 is very important.

ü Transformers and uses:

Read Complete article 15.13 till Power Losses.

 Efficiency & Power Output is important.

Step up & Step down transformers are v.imp.

ü Alternating current:

Read article 16.1 till page 114.

Make clear understandings of time period, frequency and direction change of A.C.  Memorise symbols & values of Peak & Peak to Peak values.

Make clear understanding regarding rms value.example 16.1 is important.

ü Important Topics:

Fraday’s law & Len’s law,Induced emf,Vrms & Irms.

ü Important Questions:15.1,15.2,15.3,15.4,15.515.8,15.9

ü Important Problems:15.15,15.17,15.18,111116.1,16.5,16.6,16.7


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