Book: Chapter 7 and 8
:Numerically & Theoretically very
ü Simple
Harmonic motion:
Read complete article 7.1
Memorize various relations and characteristics of SHM
ü Amplitude,
Frequency, Angular frequency, Phase difference, Time period:
Read all definitions of page number 144
Must clear concepts of angular frequency and frequency,
Other relations of angular frequency with T, f, and v are important.
Read article 7.3 for
phase and clear your concepts. Must consult notes.
ü Displacement,
Velocity and Acceleration equations:
Read article 7.2
complete, Memorize different formulae & practice alterations of different
Practice phases by
applying formulae, Must consult notes.
ü Motion
of simple pendulum and its relations: (Theoretically and numerically v. important topic.Must
consult notes)
Read article 7.4 and 7.5, memorize all different formulae of
simple pendulum.
Alterations of time period and frequency with altitude and
value of g.
Components of tensions are important, must clear concept
regarding second pendulum, discuss various cases of pendulum, exercise 7.2 is
ü Kinetic
energy and Potential energy during SHM:
(V.V. Imp numerical topic)
Memorize different formulae and their alterations, practice
as much MCQs as you can, must consult notes.
ü Free,
Forced and Damped Oscillations:
Read article 7.7 and 7.9, Memorize important lines.
Read article 7.8 and 7.10, Memorize
important lines, and values, Relations of resonance with amplitude and
frequency is important. Figure 7.13 is important.
ü Important
SHM, Equations of v, a, x
in SHM, Simple pendulum, Kinetic energy
and Potential energy in SHM.
ü Important
Questions: 7.1, 7.2,
7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.13
ü Progressive,
Transverse and Longitudinal waves:
Read article 8.1, Skip experiment on page 163, Underline and
memorize important lines and definitions, must read articles.
"Phase relationship between two points in a wave"
on page 163. Must clear concepts regarding phase difference and wavelength
ü Principle
of superposition:
Read articles 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6, Memorize various characteristics
and formulae.
Skip experiments. Practice different variations of formulae.
ü Stationary
waves and wavelength of sound waves in air column and stretched string: (Theoretically and numerically v.v
important topic. Must consult notes)
Read articles 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10, Memorize different
formulae and make short tricks as given in notes.
Clear concepts regarding nodes and anti-nodes and their
energies. Practice different MCQs.
ü Doppler
Effect: (v.v important numerical topic)
Give a read to article 8.11, Memorize general formulae given
in notes, Memorize various conventions and cases, just give a read to its
application on page 188.
Do you know on page 187 is important.
ü Important
Stationary waves in
air column and stretched string Electromagnetic spectrum.
ü Important
Questions:8.2 and 8.8
ü Important Problems:8.5, 8.6
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