In this Era of competition and frustration everyone is striving to be as perfect as they have imagined the things in their fantasy world. Perhaps they are unaware of the fact that perfection simply doesn't exist as we all are made different. It is simply something that dooms over all us. Instead of chase for perfection we should make an effort to embrace our flaws and endeavor to ameliorate them. Minimalism made us  simple. Being human is very complicated so being Imperfect is perfectly human. We all are unique in ourselves bcz the traits we owe make us distinctive individual. Perfect is boring. Life wouldn't be so exciting and amazing if we all were alike and everything was very easy to do. So, simply embrace the Imperfect & we should bid to make our imperfection as our strengths. In this way things feel more attainable & definitely we need bad to know how to accept good. ONLY, PERFECTION IS THE QUALITY OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY, don't strive to get it. Instead we should make an end of our problematic flaws. By doing this, you are allowing urself the opportunity to truly succeed. So, go live ur life & continue to be perfectly Imperfect.
"You are Imperfect permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful" . (Amy bloom) 

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