1.      Gastrulation:

·         The formative morphogenetic process in which the 3 germ layers (primordia of all embryonic tissues) and axial orientation of embryo are established.

·         Begins with proliferation and migration of epiblastic cells to median plane of embryonic disc causing appearance of a thickened band i.e. primitive streak (under influence of NODAL) on dorsal epiblastic surface at caudal end (clearly visible by day 15-16). It elongates by addition of cells caudally and its cranial end proliferates to form a slightly elevated primitive node.

·         Concurrently, epiblastic cells migrate towards the streak (due to downregulation of epiblastic Cadherin by FGF-8 released by streak cells) and invaginate deep to it, causing primitive groove to appear in the streak which is continuous with primitive pit in the node.

·         The invagination of epiblastic cells from middle & caudal parts of streak produces mesenchyme (loose embryonic C.T.) from which are derived all 3 germ layers in form of trilaminar disc:

i.           Ectoderm – formed by remaining epiblastic cells after other layers are formed.

ii.        Mesoblast – undifferentiated mesoderm formed as a new layer between endoderm & ectoderm that later on differentiates into 3 different types of mesoderm.

iii.      Endoderm – formed by displacement of hypoblastic cells by invaginating epiblastic cells.

·         Invagination from cranial part of primitive node produces some special derivatives:

i.           Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) –formed in 2nd week, these invaginate and migrate to endodermal wall of yolk sac, and later to gonadal regions.

ii.         Prenotochordal Cells – invaginate from cranial part of primitive node and form notochord.

iii.       Prechordal Plate -a compact mass of cells between oropharyngeal membrane and tip of notochord that forms from the earliest cells that ingress through primitive node & migrate cranially. It has 2 functions:

o   Serves as inductor of cranial structure like forebrain & eyes.

o   Contributes endoderm for oropharyngeal membrane.

o   Prechordal mesoderm is a mesenchymal population of neural crest origin rostral to notochord.

o   Left-Right body axis is established by molecular control in following manner: o FGF8 secreted by streak cells induces expression of NODAL.

o   NODAL expression is limited to left side by serotonin (5HT), and prevented from crossing over to right side by midline genes e.g. SHH, LEFTY1 & ZIC3 (disruption of 5HT activity can result in situs inversus and other laterality-related defects).

o         NODAL initiates a signaling cascade that causes upregulation of PITX2, which is master gene for establishing left-sidedness (ectopic expression of PITX2 results in laterality defects).


2.      Formation of Notochord:

·         Prenotochordal cells invaginate from cranial end of primitive node & form a median cellular cord i.e. notochordal process that elongates in a caudo-cranial fashion until it reaches prechordal plate.

·         The indentation of primitive pit elongates and extends into the process to form notochordal canal, converting the notochordal process into a cellular tube.

·         By day 18, floor of the notochordal process fuses with underlying embryonic endoderm and both of them degenerate, with following results:

i. The notochordal canal communicates with umbilical vesicle – first through small openings in the floor of the canal, that gradually become confluent until the entire floor disappears. ii. The remains of notochordal process form a flattened, grooved notochordal plate.

iii. A transient connection is established between amniotic and umbilical vesicle cavities, through the Neurenteric canal present in proximal part of the canal. It’s obliterated when notochord development is complete.

·         Notochordal plate cells proliferate and undergo infoldings, resulting in formation of definitive notochord that proceeds in a cranio-caudal fashion.

·         Notochord then detaches from endoderm and the latter again becomes a continuous layer.

·         Notochord disappears when bodies of vertebrae form (in 4th week), but persists as nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral discs.

·         It does the following given functions:

i.        Gives rigidity to embryo and defines its longitudinal axis

ii.      Provides inductive signals for development of CNS & axial musculoskeletal structures



3.      Organization of Intraembryonic Mesoderm:

·         Derived from invagination of cells from

a)      Caudal part of primitive node

b)      Major part of primitive streak

c)      Possibly from proliferation of cells from notochordal process

·         Initially exists as undifferentiated mesoblast between ectoderm and endoderm that differentiates into different types of mesoderm as it expands:

i.         Cranially – mesodermal cells migrate on each side of notochordal process & around prechordal plate and meet cranially to form cardiogenic mesoderm (where heart primordium develops at end of 3rd week).

ii.      Bilaterally – on both left & right sides, mesoblast proliferates until it reaches margins of embryonic disc and here it becomes continuous with extraembryonic mesoderm. The remaining intraembryonic mesoderm differentiates into 3 regions from medial to lateral:

1)      Paraxial – thick longitudinal column immediately lateral to notochord.

2)      Intermediate – thinner column b/w paraxial and lateral mesoderm.

3)      Lateral Plate - thin, sheet-like mesoderm whose right and left parts are joined by cardiogenic mesoderm, and is continuous with extraembryonic mesoderm.

·         By middle of 3rd week, intraembryonic mesoderm is present everywhere except:

i.    Oropharyngeal membrane – region of tightly adherent ectoderm + endoderm cranially.

ii. Cloacal membrane – same as above but located caudally. iii. Notochord – in median plane cranial to primitive node.


4.      Formation of Intraembryonic Coelom:

·         By 18th day, coelomic spaces appear in cardiogenic mesoderm & lateral plate mesoderm of both sides that eventually coalesce to form U-shaped cavity i.e. intraembryonic coelom which is continuous with extraembryonic coelom on either side of embryo.

·         This splits the lateral plate mesoderm into 2 layers:

a)      Somatopleure –located beneath ectoderm and continuous with extraembryonic mesoderm covering amnion.

b)      Splanchnopleure –located adjacent to endoderm& continuous with extraembryonic mesoderm covering umbilical vesicle.

·         The 3 body cavities are derived from the coelom as:

Ø  Cranial-most part lies in cardiogenic plate and forms pericardial cavity; cranial to it, a mass of mesoderm remains unsplit and forms septum transversum.

Ø  Right and left limbs partially merge in later development and form the paired pleural cavities and single peritoneal cavity.


5.      Neurulation:

·         Process involved in formation of neural plate and neural folds followed by closure of the latter to form neural tube.

·         Begins in middle of 3rd week when developing notochord & prechordal mesoderm induce overlying ectoderm (called neuroectoderm) to become thickened in midline as neural plate (that is broader at cranial end but tapers at caudal end).

o At first its length correlates to that of underlying notochord, but eventually extends way beyond it i.e.

a)      As far cranially as oropharyngeal membrane

b)      As well as caudally following recession of primitive node & streak that occurs due to differential growth of embryonic disc.

·         On ~day 18, neural plate invaginates along its central axis to form longitudinal median neural groove, flanked by raised margins i.e. neural folds (that are particularly large at cranial end and are first sign of brain development).

·         Starting from end of 3rd week and completing in 4th week, the folds begin to move towards each other in midline (beginning in cervical region and moving cranially and caudally) and fuse to form neural tube.

·          This also brings the opposing margins of surface ectoderm together, so they fuse and neural tube eventually separates from surface ectoderm.

·         Until fusion is complete, neural tube communicates with amniotic cavity at either end through:

i.         Cranial neuropore–closes by day 25.

ii.      Caudal neuropore–closes by day 28 and completes process of neurulation.


6.      Neural Crest Formation:

·         It is a population of cells located at inner lateral margin of each neural fold.

·         When neural tube closes & detaches from surface ectoderm, these cells undergo epithelial-to mesenchymal transition and form a flattened irregular mass of cells i.e. neural crest between neural tube & overlying surface ectoderm.

·         The crest separates into right and left parts and migrates to dorsolateral aspects of neural tube, from where they undergo widespread dissemination along predefined pathways.

·         Major derivatives of neural crest cells are:




1.      Spinal (dorsal root) ganglia

2.      Parasympathetic ganglia of GIT

3.      Sympathetic chain + preaortic ganglia

4.      Ganglia of Cranial Nerves V, VII, IX, X

5.      Leptomeninges (dura + pia mater)

6.      Schwann cells & neurolemmal sheath of peripheral nerves

7.      Glial cells


1.      Adrenal medulla

2.      C-cells of thyroid gland


1.      Melanocytes

2.      Dermis of face and neck


1.      Conotruncal septum in heart

2.      Smooth muscle in blood vessels of face & forebrain

Connective Tissue

1.      Bones & C.T. of face and neck

2.      Cartilages of pharyngeal arches

3.      Odontoblasts


7.      Formation of Somites:

·         Cube-shaped blocks of condensed paraxial mesoderm that appear in pairs on either side of neural tube during the somite period of development (i.e. days 20 – 30; end of 3rd week till beginning of 5th week).

·         Appearance is regulated by a molecular clock established by cyclic expression of NOTCH &WNT pathways in presomitic mesoderm that produce somites at the rate of 3 to 4 per day – a useful estimate for embryonic age during the 4th& 5th weeks.

ð Around 44 pairs are formed in total (4 occipital, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 8-10 coccygeal).

ð First occipital and last 5-7 coccygeal degenerate, giving final count of 38 pairs.

ð The first somite appears in occipital region of embryo, just caudal to the otic placode.

ð Formation of new somites proceeds caudally.

·         Somites form & differentiate as follows:

o Soon after its formation, paraxial mesoderm becomes segmented into disc-like whorls of cells called somitomeres, extending from cranial to caudal regions.

ð Segmentation proceeds in a craniocaudal fashion.

ð First seven (cranial) pairs degenerate and blend with mesenchyme of head & neck, & thus never become somites.

·         Remaining somitomeres form the nascent somites as a loose ball of mesenchymal cells that undergo a process of epithelization and arrange in a donut-shape around a central cavity (i.e.

·         somitocoele).

·         Different portions of somite become mesenchymal again and differentiate into 3 parts:






Ventromedial part

(migrates around notochord

& neural tube)

Axial skeleton (bone, tendon, cartilage)


Dorsolateral part (central portion)

Dermis of back


Dorsolateral part (Dorsomedial ‘DML’ &

ventrolateral ‘VLL’ tips)

Epaxial + hypaxial skeletal muscles


·         Each dermomyotome receives its own segmental nerve supply from spinal cord.

Ø  Motor axons are guided to myoblasts in somites and migrate along with them.

Ø  Sensory fibres go to dermatome for skin of back.


8.      Appearance of Allantois:

·         Appears on day 16 as a diverticulum from caudal wall of umbilical vesicle (subsequent to formation of cloacal membrane) and extends into connecting stalk.

·         Remains rudimentary in humans (stores renal waste in lower vertebrates).

·         Extraembryonic part degenerates in 2nd month. Proximal part persists during development as urachus, replaced in adult as median umbilical ligament (extending from bladder to umbilicus).

·         Allantoic mesoderm expands beyond chorion and contributes to formation of blood (in 3rd – 5th weeks) and umbilical arteries (but not umbilical veins) that regress in adulthood to form medial umbilical ligament.



9.      Formation of Primitive Vascular System:

·         Since diffusion is no longer sufficient to nourish the embryo by end of 2nd week, a primitive cardiovascular system starts developing at start of 3rd week and is completed by its end.

·         Extraembryonic mesoderm, connecting stalk, chorion are first to develop vessels. Intraembryonic vessels form 2 days later.

·         Mesodermal cells are specialized to form haemangioblasts that aggregate to form blood islands associated with:

a)      Wall of yolk sac

b)      Endothelial cords within embryo.

·         Soon the islands acquire cavities by confluence of intercellular clefts. Then they form vessels by 2 methods:

1.      Vasculogenesis – (de novo development of new vessels); Angioblasts flatten and form endothelial cells that arrange around the cavity to form endothelium. Many such cavities fuse to form a vascular network. 

2.      Angiogenesis – (branching of existing vessels); additional vessels sprout into adjacent areas by endothelial budding and fuse with other vessels.

·         Muscular and connective tissue layers are formed by surrounding mesenchymal cells.


10.  Formation of Blood Cells:

·         Earliest blood cells arise from haemoangiogenic epithelium of blood islands and vessels in following regions, but this population is transitory:

1)      Umbilical vesicle

2)      Allantois

3)      Specialized sites along dorsal aorta

4)      Directly from hemoangiopoetic cells

·         Proper hematogenesis begins starting 5th week; it comprises definitive hematopoetic stem cells derived from mesoderm in a site near kidney called aorta-gonad-mesonephron (AGM) region, and they colonize different regions during embryonic life:    1) First along Aorta.

2)      Liver (by 9th week)

3)      Spleen (by 12th week)

4)      Bone marrow (by 28th week), which is definitive blood-forming tissue of adult.


11.  Formation of Primitive Heart& Great Vessels:

·         Develop from mesenchyme in cardiogenic plate.

·         In 3rd week, paired, longitudinal, endothelium-lined endocardial heart tubes form that fuse to form primordial heart tube that connects with intraembryonic and umbilical vessels.

·         On 21st/22nd day, primitive cardiovascular system becomes functional with initiation of heartbeat and circulation of blood.

 Development of Secondary & Tertiary Chorionic Villi:

·         The primary villi begin to branch soon after their formation.

·         Soon they acquire a mesenchymal core to become secondary chorionic villi that cover entire surface of chorionic sac.

·         The mesenchyme develops blood vessels to convert them into tertiary chorionic villi.

Ø  Capillaries in the villi form arteriocapillary networks of placenta.

Ø  These are connected to embryonic heart and intraembryonic circulation via umbilical vessels

(that form in connecting stalk and extraembryonic mesoderm)

Ø  Blood begins to flow at end of 3rd week following formation of primitive heart.

·         Cytotrophoblast of villi grows & extends through the syncytiotrophoblast, eventually forming a cytotrophoblastic shell that surrounds chorionic sac and anchors it to endometrium.

·         2 types of villi are seen:

1.      Stem villi - attach fetal chorionic plate to maternal decidual plate via the cytotrophoblastic shell.

2.      Branch villi – grow from sides of the stem villi and are bathed in maternal blood in intervillous spaces.



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