This unit includes 15 chapters which account for 14 MCQs and 2 SEQs in your final exam
This unit is very long and thus can be divided into 3 parts and their guidlines will be posted accordingly too.

*Cardiology ( 2 chapters )
*study of ECG (3 chapters)
*vascular system (10 chapters)


Marks distribution:

This division contains 2 chapters which are numbered as chapter no. 9 and 10 in your textbook of Guyton and hall physiology.

Study scheme:

This is a very important division of CVS. It includes only 2 chapters but both these chapters are utmost important for MCQs as well as SEQs hence :
*it should be studied quite carefully from Guyton only. No short book should be opted for these topics.
* Almost all graphs from these chapters should be practiced by hand as they are quite likely to come in proff.
* The values of potential and speed of conduction of various cardiac muscle fibres are very important and must be memorized, preferably by making a table and collecting information from both chapters and summarizing it.


Chapter 9 (cardiac muscle) :

*cardiac muscle as a syncitium
*Physiology of plateau in A.P of cardiac muscle
*phases of A.P in cardiac muscle
*refractory period and its types
*Excitation contraction coupling
*cardiac cycle ( all phases + graph) -MOST IMPORTANT question.
*difference between A-V and semilunar valves
*Volume -pressure work diagram
*stroke volume output
*ejection fraction
*work output of heart
*preload and afterload
*Frank-starhling mechanism
*autonomic regulation of heart

Chapter 10( Rhythmical excitation of heart): 

*transmission of cardiac impulse through the heart along with diagram
*difference between A.P of ventricular muscle fibres and A.P of sinus nodal fibres.
*slow conduction in AV bundles
*rapid transmission of purkinje system
*Ectopic pacemakers
*Stokes Adam Syndrome


*A.P and velocity of conduction of all muscle fibres of heart
*values of refractory period
*duration of contraction of heart muscle fibres
*pressure changes in atria with causes
*values of volumes of blood in heart
*efficiency of cardiac contraction
*effect of K and Ca on heart function
*effect of temperature on heart function
*values of speed of impulse transmission in heart muscle

Figures and tables:

All figures are tables of these chapters are utmost important. Read the labelings well too.

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