Probably the easiest subject of MDCAT but if not taken seriously could be fatal for sure and makes it impossible for you to clear MDCAT. The paper of 2019 was difficult apparently but not actually. The statements were long but still the paper was easy while exception for some MCQs is there.

Preparing for Bio is also simple.


Memorize the key points. Memorize as much as you can. But memorize what is important and not what is useless. Underline important lines. Underline important as well as difficult lines with red pointer and revise them often. Memorize tables. Make clear concepts about diagrams too. Don't ignore diagrams and the labeled points.


Bio is not about concept mostly, but wherever you see something conceptual, make sure to clear your concept about it. eg. chapters like Bioenergetics, Genetics etc. Make flow charts if required eg. make flow charts for Bioenergetics. And also solve MCQs for the topics which you find a little difficult or conceptual eg. I would again quote genetics here. There are few concepts in this topic like Punnet Square Logics etc. Get them crystal clear. Solve MCQS related to these topics.

MCQs Practice:

Extensive MCQs practice is not recommended for Biology. Spend most of the time reading it from the text book. Solve biology from Step Practice Book. I would highly recommend this book for biology.

Notes and Short-listing:

Self-Made notes or notes of academies are not usually recommended for Biology. But if you are addicted to making notes and also you can make good notes, then you can do it as you have enough time. I see there are many people who would usually note down their lectures or would always make notes, if you are one of them, I won’t argue with you. If you are confused whether to make notes or short listing, then I would recommend you read books only and short list some specific and mumbo jumbo topics only.

There is no need to read the whole Kingdoms as some of you including me might have done that in 2019. But that was just a waste of time. (Get expert advice too about it)

Key Points in Biology:

Learn to grasp the statement of a question. Mostly people(including me) make blunders in Biology sometimes. They make silly mistakes in Biology and regret afterwards. Read the statement carefully. Try to pick the key point. Don't miss a single word in the statement. Don't rush, you will make a mistake. Read it carefully and then read all the options. Don't answer too quickly! While you do practice at home, make sure to put emphasis on the MCQs which you mark incorrect by chance. Never ignore them. I have seen people having made blunders in paper. You will see many students saying "Yar MCQs aty tw thy par jaldi men glt hgae, asaan mcq glt hgae" Practice for this too! Never make silly mistakes!

“Don’t give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you’ll be. Hold on. Your greater is coming.”

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