- Boundaries of medial side of thigh(v.imp)
- names of muscle,nerves,arteries(v.imp)
- table 4.1 and 4.2 (imp)
- obturator nerve(course imp)
- table 4.3 (imp)
- obturator artery(branches are imp)
- medial circumflex femoral artery(branches are imp)
- gracilis muscle as transplantation

- Ischial tuberosity clinical imp
- names of cutaneous nerves (imp)
- cutaneous vessels and lymphatics(imp)
- fig 5.3 a and b should be reviewed well
- structures under cover of gluteus maximus(muscle,vessels,nerves,bones ,joints and bursae )imp for (viva ,written)
- trendlenburg's sign (imp for viva specially)
- difference b/w lurching gait and waddling gait
- nerves of gluteal region(names are imp)
- course of sciatic nerve (imp)
- arteries of gluteal region (names)imp
- trochanteric and cruciate anastomosis (m.m imp for viva as well as written) table 5.1 &5.2 (m.imp)

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