- Hamstring muscles (names)v.imp
- Table 7.1 and 7.2 imp
- course of sciatic nerve (v.imp)
- branches of sciatic nerve
- arteries of back of thigh(imp)
- perforating branches of profunda femoris artery(names)imp
- anastomosis on back of thigh (v.imp)

- location of head of fibula
- peroneal trochlea
- posterior tibial artery pulsation
- superficial veins (names of branches)
- cutaneous nerves (names of branches)v.v.imp
- deep fascia (intermuscular septa ,retinaculas)v.v.imp
- superior extensor retinaculum (boundaries)much imp
- inferior extensor retinaculum (attachments,structure passing under retinacula) v.v.imp
- muscle of front of leg table 8.1 and 8.2 (imp)
- anterior tibial artery (course ,branches)imp
- deep peroneal nerve (course,branches are v.imp)
- dorsalis pedis artery (course ,branches)v.v.imp
- pulsation of dorsalis pedis artery
- boundaries of lateral compartment
- peroneal retinaculas (superior ,inferior) m.imp
- peroneal muscles (table 8.3 and 8.4 )imp
- superficial peroneal nerve (course ,branches) v.imp
- tendons of medial side of thigh (v.v.imp)
- guy ropes (viva as well as written )imp
- anserine bursa (imp)

- contents of superficial fascia
- small /short saphenous vein course (imp)
- long saphenous vein course(imp)
- names of cutaneous nerves(imp)
- boundaries of deep fascia (imp)
- flexor retinaculum (attachments,structures passing retinaculum )imp
- tarsal tunnel syndrome
- table 9.1 and 9.2( imp)
- table 9.3 and 9.4 from B.D is much imp
- thromboangitis obliterans (imp)
- posterior tibial artey (course ,branches ) are much imp
- peroneal artery(course,branches )much imp
- peroneal artery (course,branches )much imp
- tibial nerve (course ,branches is imp)
- posterior tibial artery pulsation

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