@Shahzaib'sPhotography (By Rana Shahzaib)

Everything is temporary. Whatever goes up must come down. The only thing that is permanent throughout life is CHANGE. whenever I go through this sentence in my mind I feel pleasure and satisfaction that nothing is eternal in the whole world either are emotions, people or scenery. The beautiful thing about life is we never know what is coming next. Everything can change in the blink of an eye whether we like it or not. The biggest example is transition ov day & night. My way ov thinking about life has been changed as I grow up and became mature. I just try to cherish every moment of life because I know that, that happy moment is not permanent and I try to live that moment to the fullest either with the family or friends. In case of any hard time we just try to be an epitome of patience because that tough time will definitely pass out any how. When we think of life in terms of temporariness it adds a layer of simplicity to things and every CHANGE becomes easy to accept. We must try to develop an attitude of gratitude and try to accept all transitions. "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" (Victor Hugo).

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