"What do you want to be, my little pumpkin?" "Doctor!", an immediate reply came from five year old Haris. Years went by. Time flew so fast that no one realised that innocent little Haris grew so much. He was proud to be the son of a doctor and it was his dream too. He often wore his father's white coat and stood in front of a mirror to see himself. But when he was of age, he couldn't be chosen according to merit. It broke him but his family was enough to keep his morale high. He appeared again but something else was written in his destiny. He remained a few points behind the merit. Fortunately his family had already inserted in his brain that everyone gets what's destined for them. It was a lot of pain for him but at last he was able to give up on his childhood dream. He opted for BBA and nailed every exam. After some years, he had a business degree in his hand. He started his own business instead of getting a job but the first few years, there was no progress. He continued believing in himself and Allah and didn't take anything to heart. And in a few more years, his business graph boosted so high that he was in the list of leading businessmen of the country. Although his dream to become a doctor wasn't fulfilled but he became more successful than majority of doctors. Why? Just because he didn't complain about life. Just because he knew that Allah is with him and he'll never be alone. Merely because he believed that Allah has chosen the best for him.

We all make plans like Haris but not always our life goes as we plan. Sometimes our plans fail to our surprise but if we are patient,  things turn out great and we are happy. It is not necessary to rock mdcat and be a doctor to be called successful. Success can't be bordered only by MBBS. It's much more than that. If a doctor doesn't care for humanity and is only concerned about money,  believe me he is a failure. At the same time, a security guard whose heart beats for others is more successful. This is how the world works. Everyone knows that nothing can happen contrary to Allah's plan. But still we plan what we think is the best for us and there's nothing wrong with it. The problem starts when we think that we deserve better. 

Have you ever sat down to think that you're the part of Allah's plan? Can we be more blessed? We are not even equal to a single dot on the map of Pakistan and Pakistan is nothing compared to the Earth. Our small planet is not even visible in this galaxy which is a small part of the universe.  And Allah,  the creator of this universe and the greatest,  has planned for us. What can be a bigger blessing than that? If we're able to take a selfie with a small celebrity of this world, we're extremely happy and post hashtags of being blessed. And see our hypocrisy that the King of all kings plan the best for us and we are not happy with it. We don't thank Him for anything if one thing doesn't go according to our plans. We all know that he is Al-Hakeem, the wisest. Then why we don't leave everything on him? Why do we think we can plan what's best for us? Trust me when you don't understand what's going on in your life,  take a deep breath and say: "Ya Allah! I know it's your plan. Just help me through it." And see the miracles. Every single person I met who once thought him to be a failure for not getting good grades now admits that what happened was the best. It's a reality which we can't realise right now but we'll do for sure in the upcoming years. Believe me Allah's plan is better than our desires. Shaitan makes us believe that it's our bad luck but infact it's a perfect plan of The Wisest. Just have faith. Just believe. 

But still, as you've time to prepare, our destiny can be changed by dua. One of our teachers used to say: "Dua kiya kro ky Ya Allah agr mery haq mn bhtr hy to mjy doctor bna dy or agr bhtr nai hy to mery haq mn isy bhtr kr dy." At that time we laughed at it but as mdcat came nearer , that sentence became part of our prayers and we understood the wisdom in it. So keep on praying and in sha Allah you'll achieve everything. But still if you couldn't make it through,  remember that the King of all kings has the perfect plan for you. You're BLESSED. 
Best wishes for everyone appearing in MDCAT ❤

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