FIVE CHAPTERS ( marks chap 33-37 of Guyton according to UHS )

Study scheme 
This is one of the most important topics of 1st year physiology as it accounts for 9 MCQs and 2 SEQs which account for a total of 19 marks.
* it should be learnt thoroughly and the list of important questions should be taken under consideration for SEQs
* it involves the use of flowcharts while explaining pathophysiology.

Important Questions 

Chapter 33:

*physiological types of Hb and functions of Hb.
* effect of anemia on circulatory system
* genesis of RBCs and its regulation
*effect on Erythropoietin on RBC formation
*pernicious anemia and its pathophysiology
* types of anemia , their causes and the changes in MCV, MCH and MCHC in the different types.
*types of jaundice
*steps for synthesis of Hb.
*iron metabolism in body

Chapter 34:

*Genesis and life span of different WBCs
*Role of macrophages and neutrophils against infections
* Reticuloendothelial system
*lines of defence
* action of eosinophils
* action of basophills
*walling off effect
*bone marrow aplasia
*leukemia and its effects

Chapter 35:

*acquired immunity
* humoral and cell mediated immunity
*types of lymphocytes and their functions
*difference btw T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.
* Def of Antibodies and structure of a typical IgG antibody
*mechanisms of action of antibodies
* Types of T cells and their functions
*allergy and hypersensitivity

Chapter 36:

*transfusion reactions
*erythroblastosis fetalis and its clinical picture along with treatment
*acute kidney failure due to transfusion reaction
*prevention of graft rejection

Chapter 37:

*mechanism of platelet plug
*fibrous organization or dissolution of blood clot
*mechanism of blood coagulation
*extrinsic pathway
*intrinsic pathway
*role of Calcium in both pathways of blood clotting
*intravascular anticoagulants
*anticoagulants for clinical use
*role of plasmin in causing lysis of clots
*effect of Vit K deficiency on blood clotting
*hemophiliia and its types
*blood coagulation tests
*definition of prothrombin time.
*Def of international normalized ratio, its formula and its range

Important topics for MCQs only:

*properties of RBCs
*rate of production of RBCs at different ages
*quantity of iron in body and its loss
*preprocessing of T lymphocytes and B- lymphocytes
*primary and secondary responses to antigens
* percentage of WBCs in body
*MHC proteins and activation of T lymphocytes
*Atopic allergies
*agents that suppress the immune system
* properties of platelets
*prothrombin and thrombin
*clotting factors of blood
*thromboembolitic conditions
*ranges of INR

Important figures and tables:

*fig 33.2
*fig 33.5

*fig 35.1
*fig 35.3
*fig 35.4
*fig 35.6

*table 37.1
*fig 37.3
*fig 37.4
*fig 37.5

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